5 Questions Every Documentary Family Photographer Should Ask
Photo: Carl Heyerdahl
It's time to get real. Grab a notebook and pen. We want you to take a minute (or two) to answer the following questions (honestly):
- Are you making the income you want from your photography business? What are you actually earning per hour? (OK we cheated, that first question was really two..., but still)
- Does your website reflect YOU - or rather could the words be something any documentary family photographer could say?
- Do you have a strategy when it comes to using social media for marketing or do you just post your work regularly in the hope you'll be seen and booked?
- How is your SEO? Do you come up on the first page for common search terms that families might use when searching for a photographer? Do you know how to get found on Google by your ideal client?
- Do you feel overwhelmed by the time taken up by administrating/marketing your business when really you'd just love if you could shoot and edit and the clients would just come knocking?
Running a photography business is no mean feat. There are SO many parts that all need to fit together and it can feel at times like everyone but you is on top of it.
The thing is, you got into this because you love creating real life images for families. And suddenly, here you are, the photographer, now turned businessperson and you are expected to know not just about shooting and editing (no mean feat), but about branding and marketing, and web design and how to come up on Google and what exactly you should be posting on social media and you need to be able to write fun stuff on a blog, and network with clients and local businesses and deal with suppliers and contracts and and... and at the end of the day, make a profit to support your family.
I mean isn't that the point? To make an income from this without working 100 hours a week? Otherwise, you'd just shoot your own family and a few friends for fun. If you are in this to make an income to support your family and the life YOU want, then you have to put all the pieces together so that your business works for you, not the other way around.
This is why we created the 16 week Business Badassery Program. It is designed SPECIFICALLY for documentary family photographers. Because the truth is our business IS very different to a regular portrait or studio photography business. We tell stories. Our work is time intensive, client orientated and highly skilled. So it requires a specific strategy.
We have pulled together a team of awesome experts, that in the space of 16 weeks are going to guide you through you a proven strategy to make a success of your DFP business. The four 4-week workshops included in the program are all limited seats and group mentored so that you can ask questions and get individual feedback on your business.
By the end of January 2018, you will have everything you need to get all the "businessy" parts of your business kicking ass. So that you can concentrate on being you, shooting the way that moves you and earning an income doing what you love.
Photo: Brooke Lark
Sound like exactly what you need? You are not alone! We have already had huge interest in the program and the discounted seats are nearly all sold out. Go grab yours, before someone else does!